It has come to our attention that the company BookSirens has made the choice to place profit over authors. For those not familiar, readers use services like NetGalley and BookSirens to find ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) of books, which they read and review in advance of the book’s release. This helps spread the word about the book and helps promote it.
Publishers and some authors pay for services like NetGalley and BookSirens. We’ve used NetGalley for years but more recently used BookSirens this year. Because they have decided to not only promote but support a book that makes light of sexual assault and potentially supports rape culture, we have permanently closed our BookSirens account.
This image was shared on BlueSky, but the promo is still up on BookSiren’s page, along with the book in question. When multiple authors expressed their concern about being promoted with a title like Planet of the Rapes, BookSirens replied that the authors could “leave the promo” rather than removing the problematic title.

This is why we closed our account.
If you don’t have NetGalley and would like to receive our titles for review, drop us an email.